

Builder's Choice:
Etch or Easy Ei8ht Sequencer!

Hosted by Modular for the Masses
Saturday, Sept 7 @ 11am
Difficulty: Easy

Build Etch, a Bit Crusher and More!

Etch is a low fidelity digital signal processing Eurorack module that selectively removes signal quality vertically (bit crushing) or horizontally (sample rate reduction). This creates vertical or horizontal lines in the signal, like an Etch-a-Sketch! The results are displayed on a simplified oscilloscope.

Both parameters can be controlled with a control voltage, as well as a third parameter, a low-pass resonant filter.

In addition to being an effects module, there is a quantizer mode, featuring many scales and options the designer of the hardware and workshop host (Juanito, I'm the one writing this) doesn't even understand. For a better explanation of the CV mode, visit the project's Github: https://github.com/TylerK07/Etch

A feature Juanito understands and loves is the "loop" mode. It can be an unusual form of granular synthesis, which takes a section of the incoming signal and loops it quickly, up to audio rate. It has the ability to accept portions of the still-incoming audio signal to morph the waveform of the loop. Tweaking the knobs in this mode is very engaging.

The microchip is an AVR128DA28, which is common, easy to code for, and the analog electronics are versatile, allowing for both audio signal processing and control voltage processing.

The surface mount components are all pre-assembled, so no advanced soldering skills will be necessary.

You will need to purchase the Etch Kit from Modular for the Masses by sending $125 via paypal by clicking THIS LINK and put Etch Workshop in the description.

Some kits may be available for purchase on-site, however, you can secure your place in the workshop by pre-ordering your kit.


Easy Ei8ht Sequencer Module Build

The EasyEi8ht trigger performance sequencer returns with an updated panel and simplified construction.

This module is designed from the ground up to be extremely simple to use. It features eight channels, ludicrously long pattern lengths, and Cherry MX style mechanical key switches (three different types will be available to choose from). It can be self-clocked or accept an external clock. It features downbeat-agnostic swing, even if the external clock doesn't have swing. The project is open-source, the code was developed in the Arduino IDE, so the module is ready for DIY firmware.

The build has all the surface-mount components pre-assembled. Some care with order-of-assembly will need to be taken, but advanced soldering skills won't be necessary. The module is 14HP

You will need to purchase the Easy Ei8ht Kit from Modular for the Masses by sending $125 via paypal by clicking THIS LINK and put Sequencer Workshop in the description.

Some kits may be available for purchase on-site, however, you can secure your place in the workshop by pre-ordering your kit.

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